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Affouri, A., Dezileau, L. and Kallel, N. (2018) Extreme Flood Events Reconstruction Spanning the Last Century in the El Bibane Lagoon (Southeast of Tunisia) In Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions, (Kallel, A. et al. (Eds), Advances in Science Technology & Innovation, 1907-1910,

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Lucie Clous, Stéphane ABADIE. Simulation of energy transfers in waves generated by granular slides. Landslides, 16 (9), pp.1663-1679, 2019.

Stéphane ABADIE, Marion Beauvivre, Estelle. Egurrola, Christine Bouisset, Isabelle Degrémont, Florian Arnoux. A Database of Recent Historical Storm Impact on the French Basque Coast. Journal of Coastal Research, 85 (sp1), pp.721–725. 2018.

Benoit Larroque, Philippe Arnould, Franck Luthon, Pierre–Antoine Poncet, A Rahali, Stéphane ABADIE. In–situ measurements of wave impact pressure on a composite breakwater: preliminary results. Journal of Coastal Research, 85, pp.1 – 5, 2018.

Florian Arnoux , Stéphane ABADIE, Xavier Bertin, Ivan Kojadinovic. A Database to Study Storm Impact Statistics along the Basque Coast. Journal of Coastal Research, 85, pp.806–810, 2018.

Manuel Martin–Medina, Stéphane ABADIE, C. Mokrani, Denis MORICHON. Numerical Simulation of Flip–through Impacts of Variable Steepness on a Vertical Breakwater. Applied Ocean Research, 75, pp.117–131. 2018.

Iñaki de Santiago, Denis MORICHON, Stéphane ABADIE, J Reniers, Pedro Liria. A comparative study of models to predict storm impact on beaches. Natural Hazards, 87 (2), pp.843–865. 2017.

M. Martin–Medina, Stéphane ABADIE, Denis MORICHON. Validation of a Navier–Stokes Model to Study Flip–through Impacts on a Composite Breakwater. Houille Blanche, pp.49–55. 2017.

Benoît Ducassou, Jonathan Nuñez, Marcela Cruchaga, Stéphane ABADIE. A Fictitious Domain Approach Based on a Viscosity Penalty Method to Simulate Wave/Structure Interaction. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 55 (6), pp. 847–862, 2017.

C. Mokrani, Stéphane ABADIE. Conditions for Peak Pressure Stability in VOF Simulations of Dam Break Flow Impact. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 62, pp. 86–103, 2016.

Babak Tehranirad, Jeffrey C. Harris, Annette R. Grilli, Stephan T. Grilli, Stéphane ABADIE, James T. Kirby, and Fengyan Shi. Far-Field Tsunami Impact in the North Atlantic Basin from Large Scale Flank Collapses of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano, La Palma. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172(12):pp 3589–3616, December 2015.

Stéphane ABADIE, J. C. Harris, S. T. Grilli, and R. Fabre. Numerical modeling of tsunami waves generated by the flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands): Tsunami source and near field effects. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117(C5), May 2012.

Mathieu Mory, Stéphane ABADIE, Sylvain Mauriet, and Pierre Lubin. Run-up flow of a collapsing bore over a beach. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 30(6):565–576, December 2011.

Stéphane ABADIE, Denis MORICHON, Stéphan Grilli, and Stéphane Glockner. Numerical simulation of waves generated by landslides using a multiple-fluid Navier–Stokes model. Coastal Engineering, 57:779–794, September 2010.

Stéphane ABADIE, Christophe Brière, Jean Dubranna, Philippe Maron, and Didier Rihouey. Erosion Generated by Wave-Induced Currents in the Vicinity of a Jetty: Case Study of the Relationship between the Adour River Mouth and Anglet Beach – France. Journal of Coastal Research, 24:59–69, 2008.

Denis MORICHON, Damien Dailloux, Stefan Aarninkhof, and Stéphane ABADIE. Using a shore-based video system to hourly monitor storm water plumes (Adour River, Bay of Biscay). Journal of Coastal Research, 24(4C):133–140, 2008.

Mathieu Mory, Hervé Michallet, David Bonjean, Ismael Piedra-Cueva, Jean Marc Barnoud, Pierre Foray, Stéphane ABADIE, and Pierre Breul. Momentary liquefaction and scour caused by waves around a coastal structure. Journal of Waterways, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 133(1):28–38, 2007.

Christophe Brière, Stéphane ABADIE, Patrice Bretel, and Michel Lang. Assessment of hydrodynamic modelling systems, a case study of Anglet, France. Coastal Engineering, 54(4):345–356, 2007.

Stéphane ABADIE, Rémi Butel, Sylvain Mauriet, Denis MORICHON, and Hélène Dupuis. Wave climate and longshore drift on the South Aquitaine Coast. Continental Shelf Research, 26(16):1924–1939, 2006.

Pierre Lubin, Stéphane Vincent, Stéphane ABADIE, and Jean-Pierre Caltagirone. Three-dimensional Large Eddy Simulation of air entrainment under plunging breaking waves. Coastal Engineering, 53(8):631–655, 2006.

Stéphane ABADIE, Rémi Butel, Hélène Dupuis, and Christophe Brière. Statistical parameters of waves on the south aquitaine coast. CR Geoscience, 337(8):769–776, 2005.

Iñaki Santiago, Denis Morichon, Florian Arnoux, Matthias Delpey, Irati Epelde. Risk Mapping Assessment by Means of Probabilistic Storm Scenarios in a Partially Engineered Beach: Anglet, France. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 85 (sp1), pp.796–800.

Denis Morichon, Iñaki de Santiago, Matthias Delpey, Tom Somdecoste, Aurélien Callens, Benoit Liquet, Pedro Liria, and Philippe Arnould. Assessment of Flooding Hazards at An Engineered Beach during Extreme Events: Biarritz, SW France. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 85, pp.801 – 805.

Phuong Vu, Minh Ha, Frédéric Frappart, José Darrozes, Guillaume Ramillien, Grégory Dufréchou, Pascal Gegout, Denis Morichon, Philippe Bonneton. Identifying 2010 Xynthia Storm Signature in GNSS–R–Based Tide Records. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(7), 782.

Rodriguez-Padilla, I., Castelle, B., Marieu, V., & Morichon, D. (2020). A Simple and Efficient Image Stabilization Method for Coastal Monitoring Video Systems. Remote Sensing, 12(1), 70.
Huguet, J.-R., Castelle, B., Marieu, V., Morichon, D., de Santiago, I., 2016. Shoreline-Sandbar Dynamics at a High-Energy Embayed and Structurally-Engineered Sandy Beach: Anglet, SW France. Journal of Coastal Research 75, 393–397.
Desombre, J., Morichon, D. and Mory, M.,2013. RANS v2–f Simulation of a Swash Event: Detailed Flow Structure. Coastal Engineering 71, 1–12.
Novoa, S., Chust, G., Valencia, V., Froidefond, J.-M., Morichon, D., 2011. Estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in waters over the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay: a comparison of remote sensing algorithms. International Journal of Remote Sensing 32, 8349–8371.
Rihouey, D., Dugor, J., Dailloux, D., Morichon, D., 2009. Application of remote sensing video systems to coastal defence monitoring, Journal of Coastal Research. Journal of Coastal Research 56, 1582–1586.

Pernille Louise Forsberg, Damien SOUS, Alessandro Stocchino, and Remi Chemin. Behaviour of plastic litter in nearshore waters: First insights from wind and wave laboratory experiments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111023, 2020.

Damien SOUS, Guillaume Dodet, Frédéric Bouchette, and Marion Tissier. Momentum balance over a barrier reef. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, DOI: 10.1029/2019JC015503, 2020.

Damien SOUS, Pernille Louise Forsberg, Julien Touboul, and Guilherme Goncalves Nogueira.Laboratory experiments of surf zone dynamics under on- and offshore wind conditions. Coastal Engineering, In Revision, 2020.

Damien SOUS, Marion Tissier, Frédéric Bouchette, Guillaume Dodet, and Vincent Rey. Extreme wave events on barrier reefs : a driver for critical regime ? Journal of Coastal Research, (SI XX):xx–xx, 2020.

Jean-Baptiste Clément, Damien SOUS, Frédéric Golay, and Mehmet Ersoy. Wave-driven groundwater flows in sandy beaches: a richards equation-based model. Journal of Coastal Research, (SI XX):xx–xx, 2020.

Damien SOUS. A numerical assessment of artificial reef pass wave-induced currents as a renewable energy source. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.3390/jmse7090284, 2019.

Damien SOUS, Marion Tissier, Vincent Rey, Julien Touboul, Frédéric Bouchette, Jean-Luc Devenon, Cristele Chevalier, and Jerôme Aucan. Wave transformation over barrier reefs. Continental ShelfResearch, DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2019.07.010, 2019.

Sophie Defontaine, Damien SOUS, Denis Morichon, Romaric Verney, and Mathilde Monperrus. Hydrodynamics and spm transport in a man-engineered tidal estuary: the adour river (france). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106445, 2019.

Gwendoline Arnaud, Vincent Rey, Julien Touboul, and Damien SOUS. Wave propagation through dense vertical cylinder arrays: 3d experimental study. International Journal of Ocean and Coastal Engineering, 2019.

Guillaume Dodet, Fabien Leckler, Damien SOUS, Fabrice Ardhuin, Jean-François Filipot, and Serge Suanez. Wave Runup over Steep Rocky Cliffs. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans , December 2018.
Xavier Bertin, Anouk De Bakker, Ap Van Dongeren, Giovanni Coco, Gaël André, Fabrice Ardhuin, Philippe Bonneton, Frederic Bouchette, Bruno Castelle, Wayne C. Crawford, Mark Davidson, Martha Deen, Guillaume Dodet, Thomas Guerin, Kris Inch, Fabien Leckler, Robert McCall, Héloïse Muller, Maitane Olabarrieta, Dano Roelvink, Gerben Ruessink, Damien SOUS, Eléonore Stutzmann, and Marion Tissier. Infragravity waves: From driving mechanisms to impacts. Earth-Science Reviews, 177:774 – 799, February 2018.

Damien SOUS, Cristele Chevalier, Jean-Luc Devenon, Jean Blanchot, and Marc Pagano. Circulation patterns in a channel reef-lagoon system, ouano lagoon, new caledonia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 196:315–330, 2017.

Gwendoline Arnaud, Vincent Rey, Julien Touboul, Damien SOUS, Bernard Molin, and Fabrice Gouaud. Wave propagation through dense vertical cylinder arrays: Interference process and specific surface effects on damping. Applied Ocean Research, 65:229–237, 2017.

Damien SOUS, Lise Petitjean, Frédéric Bouchette, Vincent Rey, Samuel Meulé, François Sabatier, and Kévin Martins. Field evidence of swash groundwater circulation in the microtidal rousty beach, france. Advances in Water Ressources, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.09.009, 2016.

France Floc’h, Nicolas Le Dantec, Clara Lemos, Romain Cancouet, Damien SOUS, Lise Petitjean, Frédéric Bouchette, Fabrice Ardhuin, Serge Suanez, and Christophe Delacourt. Morphological response of a macrotidal embayed beach, porsmilin, france. Journal of Coastal Research, pages 373–377, 2016.

Bernard Molin, Fabien Remy, Gwendoline Arnaud, Vincent Rey, Julien Touboul, and Damien SOUS. On the dispersion equation for linear waves traveling through or over dense arrays of vertical cylinders. Applied Ocean Research, 61:148–155, 2016.

Thomas Altazin, Mehmet Ersoy, Frédéric Golay, Damien SOUS, and Lyudmila Yushchenko. Numerical investigation of bb-amr scheme using entropy production as refinement criterion. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 29(1):67–81, 2015.

Cristele Chevalier, Damien SOUS, Jean-Luc Devenon, Marc Pagano, Gilles Rougier, and Jean Blanchot. Impact of cross-reef water fluxes on lagoon dynamics: a simple parameterization for coral lagoon circulation model, with application to the ouano lagoon, new caledonia. Ocean Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s10236-015-0879-x:1509–1534, 2015.

Vincent Rey, Julien Touboul, and Damien SOUS. Effect of a submerged plate on the near-bed dynamics underincoming waves in deep water conditions. Applied Ocean Research, 53:67–74, 2015.
Frédéric Golay, Mehmet Ersoy, Lyudmila Yushchenko, and Damien SOUS. Block-based adaptive mesh refinement scheme using numerical density of entropy production for three-dimensional two-fluid flows. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 29(1):67–81, 2015.

Gwendoline Arnaud, Julien Touboul, Damien SOUS, Fabrice Gouaud, and Vincent Rey. Stationary and oscillatory flows through porous media: effects of the specific surface. Revue Paralia, 7:12, 2014.

Damien SOUS, Joel Sommeria, and D Boyer. Friction law and turbulent properties in a laboratory ekman boundary layer. Physics of Fluids, 25(4):046602, 2013.

Damien SOUS, Adrien Lambert, Vincent Rey, and Herve Michallet. Swash–groundwater dynamics in a sandy beach laboratory experiment. Coastal Engineering, 80:122–136, 2013.

Damien SOUS and Joel Sommeria. A tsai’s model based s-piv method for velocity measurements in a turbulent ekman layer. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 26:102–110, 2012.

Nadia Senechal, Stéphane ABADIE, Edith Gallagher, Jamie MacMahan, Gerd Masselink, Hervé Michallet, Ad Reniers, Gerben Ruessink, Paul Russell, Damien SOUS, et al. The ecors-truc vert’08 nearshore field experiment: presentation of a three-dimensional morphologic system in a macro-tidal environment during consecutive extreme storm conditions. Ocean dynamics, 61(12):2073–2098, 2011.

Jan Visscher, Helge I Andersson, Mustafa Barri, Henri Didelle, Samuel Viboud, Damien SOUS, and Joel Sommeria. A new set-up for piv measurements in rotating turbulent duct flows. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 22(1):71–80, 2011.

Alioune Nar Sambe, Damien SOUS, Frédéric Golay, Philippe Fraunié, and Richard Marcer. Numerical wave breaking with macro-roughness. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 30(6):577–588, 2011.

Alioune Nar Sambe, Frédéric Golay, Damien SOUS, Philippe Fraunié, Vincent Rey, Richard Marcer, and Christine De Jouette. Two-phase-flow unstructured grid solver: Application to tsunami wave impact. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 21(3):186–191, 2011.

Olivier David de Drézigué, Damien SOUS, Adrien Lambert, Fabrice Gouaud, and Vincent Rey. Watertable response to tidal forcing in the truc-vert sandy beach. Journal of Coastal Research, SI64:1761–1765, 2009.

Don L Boyer, Damien SOUS, and Joel Sommeria. Laboratory experiments on along-slope flows in homogeneous and stratified rotating fluids. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 46(1):19–35, 2009.

Natalie Bonneton, Damien SOUS, Philippe Bonneton, and Joel Sommeria. Dynamics of large-scale vortices in the near shore. Journal of Coastal Research, SI39:682–686, 2006.

Aurélie Le Dissez, Damien SOUS, Stéphane Vincent, Jean-Paul Caltagirone, and Aldo Sottolichio. A novel implicit method for coastal hydrodynamics modeling: application to the arcachon lagoon. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 333(11):796–803, 2005.

Damien SOUS, Natalie Bonneton, and Joel Sommeria. Transition from deep to shallow water layer: formation of vortex dipoles. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 24(1):19–32, 2005.

Damien SOUS, Natalie Bonneton, and Joel Sommeria. Turbulent vortex dipoles in a shallow water layer. Physics of Fluids, 16(8):2886–2898, 2004.
+ 45 conferences and communications